Maritime & Shipping & Logistics
Shipbuilding, Financing, Ship Sale and Purchase
Nereus Law Office has assisted ship buyers, sellers, shipyards and designers. We have acted for clients in numerous asset finance transactions concerning ship sale and shipbuilding. Our financial services practice has substantial experience in this field and is available to assist in ship financing matters.
Casualties / Environmental Risks
Nereus Law Office has in-depth knowledge of the regulations for preventing collisions at sea and also practical experience in assisting officers, crew and others involved after a collision has occurred at sea. In connection with collisions, Nereus Law Office environmental practice is particularly useful in handling any environmental liability issues. Salvage often plays a central role after a casualty has occurred. We have experience in assisting both the salvor and the ship owner.
Corporate and Competition Law
Nereus Law Office has extensive experience in structuring issues relating to ship-owning entities. We have assisted ship owners, bare boat owners and crew, technical and commercial management companies. We are familiar with different types of pooling and joint ventures. We also have extensive experience in assisting shipbrokers, agents, suppliers, pilots and tugboat companies. Nereus Law Office’s special expertise in competition law has been particularly helpful to our clients operating shipping companies. Nereus Law Office also has experience in assisting public authorities in their capacity as the purchaser of various services and provider of transport services. We also assist carriers operating passenger transport services.
Fairway Dues / Subsidies / Taxation and The Protection of Sea Environment
We monitor the legislations related to the fairway dues, subsidies, mixed crews and tonnage taxation on an ongoing basis, on behalf of our clients, legislation related to fairway dues, subsidies, mixed crews and tonnage taxation. We report to our clients on ice class rules and developments related to nautical emission restrictions.
Marine Insurance
Marine insurance has always been one of our key competence areas. We have provided successful counsel to both the insured and the insurer on issues relating to hull, war, strike and loss of profits insurance. We frequently assist liability and cargo insurers in recourse disputes, where at times applicable insurance conditions need to be interpreted pursuant to the laws of different countries.
Seamen’s Work / Industrial actions
We have acted on numerous matters related to hiring crew, terminating employment contracts, collective bargaining, mixed crew and occupational safety cases. Our assignments – for example, in connection with changing flag – include reviewing the crew’s social and pension security liabilities. We have successfully prevented, by means of injunctions, illegal industrial actions that have been directed against foreign flagged vessels.
Transport and Freight Contracts / Cargo Damage
Nereus Law Office assists both carriers and cargo owners in preparing transport and freight contracts. We have extensive experience in dispute resolution concerning freight contracts and cargo damages.
Transport Law
We frequently represent cargo insurers but also liability insurers and carriers in cargo damage disputes in relation to road carriage, storage and forwarding. We have drafted and negotiated transport and logistics contracts for our clients. We have also handled cargo damage disputes with regard to air and railway transport.
Nereus Law Office have assisted hull and liability insurers with regard to aviation-related casualties and also banking and finance practice has been involved in transactions pertaining to aircraft financing. Nereus Law Office also provides services regarding Sale & Purchase and Chartering Agreements.